Monday 5 December 2011

An autobiography

I set out to write my autobiography.

Na...Don't be too surprised!!! My writing hasn't gone to my head and neither have I gone crazy.

It's just that I or should I say 'we', the students of the HR class have been given an assignment to prepare a 'Self Assessment Report' for career planning. And one of the activities that would form a part of the SAR is our autobiography.

The writer in me is not too keen on this project or am I too keen. I know not from where to start and what to write. What should I include and what should I leave out? Like sir says, "it should contain those portions fit for public consumption". But even then the thought of putting down all the significant and the insignificant portions of one's life for an other to read seems to overwhelm me.

The document is supposed to a confidential one with access to only the faculty guide and anybody else that I would give access to. I am filled with nervous excitement as I contemplate the things I would put down and the people I would actually show it to.

So ideally an waiting for the time when I can sit down without any interruptions and write down whatever it is that comes to my mind. And I guess once I am done I can decide whether or not to share it with any other. 

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