Tuesday 11 October 2011

The small things...

The day started off really well and I was very happy until....... I reached the 'until' part and the happiness that I had in me from the morning and the happiness that had been carried over from the day before just evaporated, "Poof" right in front of my eyes.

The day which began well  began to get bad. Steeped in irritation, I went out and would you be surprised if I told you that my day went from bad to worse? As I returned my irritation levels had reached its zenith and I would lie if I said that I had not lost my temper.

This is not a usual phenomenon for me but in a way it is too. I, like everybody else, tend to get irritated at different things. So the irritation part was nothing new. But the fact that my irritation had grown over the day and had reached a point where I could no longer rationalize was something different. I do not say I never reach this stage but I rarely do.

And to my surprise, the next day when I woke up, I wasn't my usual cheerful self. I tried suppressing my irritation and anger at the world in general. But towards the end of the day I found that I was in worse shape than the previous day. I started getting annoyed at small things and snapping at small things. I was exasperated for things that were beyond my control. And the fact that they were beyond my control was adding to my agitation and anger.

I decided to pen down my thoughts and felt that I may feel better after all of the writing that I was going to do. Numerous names, one more exotic than the other popped into my head as I decided what I was going to write about. From names like "Rantings of a 'not' teenage and 'not drama queen' to ones like 'frustration' and 'how your day can go from bad to worse' popped into my head. From these names itself you can guess the state that I had worked myself up to.

All these happened yesterday and at the end of the day, you can be assured that I was in a state. I went back and cribbed about all my irritations to two people who are really close to me, my mom and to my good friend.

I spoke to them about all these problems expecting them to emphasize with me and tell me that things were going to be fine. Imagine to my surprise when nothing happened the way I expected it to happen.

Both of them spoke about how I was getting upset at things that were beyond my control and those over which I actually needn't get too worked up. After listening to all that they said, I was even more upset and dejected.

But their words forced me to think. And I am really glad that they both said what they did. I needed the reality check and needed to realize what I was doing to myself. I had always talked about being positive and cheerful  no matter what. But I let a small irritation in my mind stay there and fester and fester. The irritation in me caused me to be irritated at other and smaller things, things over which I would normally not react.

Now as I realize what I did, I know that in the future I will be more careful and take things in my stride. Irritations will come but they have to go. I cannot let my life be rules by this. So from now on, I will try to be positive as I usually say I and we all should be.

This was the decision that I took yesterday night and the remarkable thing is that when I woke today morning, I was in a much happier mood. And though there have been instances where I would have normally got irritated and upset, I no longer have those stuck in mind and impacting everything I do and the way I react.

Right now, a much happier person, singing off.....for the next session....

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