Wednesday 23 May 2012

The day...

The day dawns bright and clear - with smiles and sparkles and happiness and cheer.
Work to do and things to finish - the smile sets forth to complete these with a relish

Targets to reach and miles to go, the day flies by with a smile on show
The day goes by and the smile wonders why?
Why are the challenges just piling by
The smile disappears and the sparkle dims, desperation and tiredness creeps from within.

Hope comes out and cheers ahead, the smile which faltered shows her head.
Time stretches as the smile and sorrow fight, who is the winner and whose is the worst plight
Smile and sorrow both side by side, as they fight for their time in the night

The evening draws to a close and the night looms ahead, but it seems as though the smile has gone abed.
Where is the smile, the sparkle beheld? No one knows where it has fled.

As night draws near, the sparkle is dead. The one sought for is gone abed.
With the smile and the sparkle out of the way, comes desperation and tears charging ahead.

Things that seemed bright and sunny seem drab and dreary.
The challenges that cowered in front of the smile, now rain upon with a vengeance that has no guile.
Tears filled eyes and a sorrowful face, beckons all those horrid dreams to face.

As things seem to take a turn for worse, as they say - the eyes get closed to await the next day.
The night goes by and dawn draws clear - again with the smile in front and the sparkle in the rear.

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