Saturday 23 February 2013

A writer’s block?

It’s been a really long time since I have written. Over the last few months there have been moments when something or the other struck me. That idea , that thought was something I wanted to put down but neither time nor circumstance were right to sit down leisurely and put down in words those thoughts of mine. There have been moments when all I had was leisure…I would open my laptop, open the blog and then sit staring at the screen…the words just wouldn’t come. I would stare at the screen and wait for some idea  or some inspiration to strike. As moments pass, my frustration would mount and to avoid that I would go into  Facebook and go chit chat with somebody about something.  And so the months have passed and I have written nothing.

And today as I sit simply with nothing to do... my thoughts go astray and I realize it was a combination of factors preventing me from writing…Changes in life brought on by work, the nature of the job, my nature, and of course the changes in my life over the last few months (of course you can guess what these are)…everything has robbed from me the time I used to dream and fantasize and write things down. And now as I sat in the dark (power cut) I realize changes are bound to happen, and I have no choice but to make time for my writing, if I am serious about it. And with these thoughts in my mind, I sit to pen this down and post it as soon as the current comes. And so my “writer’s block” is at an end…

With a smile and hoping to come back soon with more….Adieu

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