Sunday 12 August 2012

The grass is greener...on the other side???

It's always said and believed by most people that 'the grass is greener on the other side'. Having experienced this phenomenon and having others also express something akin to this, I am not surprised that the maxim s quite well known not only in English but also in Malayalam.

So why is it that I am going into something that is very cliched???

Today for some strange reason I find myself thinking about decisions taken...Were they right or wrong....Was the grass greener then or now?  My mind really doesn't want to compare and contrast...but...

My thoughts are on why things happen the way they happen...Why do we need to go through some lessons in life...Why can it not have been perfect the first time itself..or why could not this be the first time? Having always believed that in rebirth and re-incarnation, I believe life is for some lessons to be learnt, and for us to have the necessary interactions with a few souls. The concept of Karma and a person beings dealt out with what he or she deserves is also something I believe. But this belief of mine does not remove the responsibility of an individual to shape his or her life. My belief is that there are choices that we are given and our life and destiny would depend on the choices we make. 

So where am I gong with all this...Actually no where...As  think over my concept of life and the decisions taken...I realize...I don't regret the choices I have made and the way life has shaped up....The decisions taken and the experiences had... Realizing mistakes made and deliberating on new decisions...No...I don't regret it at all....Beacause I believe each wrong decision has helped shape me to be the person I am today...

But underneath all that...As normal human tendency goes...when I see another make the right decision the first time heart makes a leap...and wonders... if only I had made the right decision the first time itself...

 I guess no matter what you say or think...sometimes the grass is always greener on the other side... 

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