Sunday 20 November 2011

Noises in my room

I can hear noises in the room, in my bedroom. It is unnerving. I am sure it's not the sound of anybody I know. It sounds like a group of people talking from someplace quite far away.

Has it been a while since I lay down to sleep? Have any guests come home, this late at night? Even then, why would they come to my room and talk.

I strain my ears. Laughter floats to where I lay. I can hear glasses clinking, people laughing and chattering. Now I am sure that it's nobody I know and that whoever they are, they are in my room!!!

Do I dare open my eyes? Or should I just shut them tighter? 

The voices don't go away. I press my eyelids together praying that whatever it is, it goes away soon. Praying that somebody comes and puts the light on in this room. 

I am waiting...Time passes, the voices fade away...I thank god and open my eyes just a crack.

There is nobody in the room. It is pitch dark. I strain my ears to hear the last of those eerie sounds but I can't hear anymore.

Was it my imagination or were there people in the room? I guess I'll never know and I am not too sure I want to know either. 

I pray fervently and close my eyes, this time to sleep and to see pleasant dreams.

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