Saturday 5 March 2011

Extensive planning and last minute rushes!!!!

I had great fun today!!!!!

This morning, I saw ahead of me a long day, filled with assignments and projects. Little did I know that as soon as the class finished we would be discussing going out.

Everybody seemed to want that long needed break...A good break before the onslaught of the assignments (which were already trickling down), the exams and summer internship hit us hard!!!

Suggestions being shot left, right and center, we settled on "Fort Kochi", the place where we were going to hang out the rest of the day!!! After a bout of extensive planning, we decided to split and go our ways till the time we were scheduled to go. 

But all the plans were in vain. Due to some "time constraints" we had to drop the plan and suddenly the day loomed large once again in front of me. I resigned myself to working the entire day on some project or the other. I reasoned, "Its' for the good... At least it will ensure that I finish my work" and sat back in college with Divya and Ashwin.

Feeling slightly let down we started planning what else we could do if not go to Fort Kochi. We settled on the idea of going out for lunch...And again the whole rigamarole of planning started. Lunch? Who? Where? and so on.

By then I got a PHONE CALL!!!!!! Sangeetha and Santhy decided to go to Laura and wanted to know if I wanted to join them!!!!

I had been wanting to go there but no plans ever worked out!!!
"Oh yes! count me in", I told them.  

I turned to Divya and Ashwin with an apologetic grin. I had made my call and was going to leave in 10 minutes. We wrapped up the work in some more time and I rushed back to the hostel. The rest of the day passed in a whirl with the entire experience being fun and exciting.

But this is not why I started writing about my day! The reason I began writing was that I was observing an phenomenon that I had been noticing for quite some time now. 

Whenever we have planned some outing or movie with friends or family it has never worked out. Those long discussions in the family and friends circle as we call everybody and get the list of who all are coming, deciding the movie to watch, the place to visit, deciding how we are going to get there and so on...But all that ultimately happens is that we plan and plan and plan and plan and plan some more. Its very rare that what we decide after so much planning comes to pass.

On the other hand, those last minute decisions we take, somehow tend to happen. At the eleventh hour we decide that we want to go out, to go for lunch, to go for a movie...we rush trying to call everyone and get to wherever we want to go. And we go... ultimately having loads of fun. And as we come back, we agree with each other that is better to have these impromptu plans which work out rather than the plans in advance which don't. But despite this we always start making plans in advance with the hope that 'it works out at-least this time'.

So do you think that the next time you want to go somewhere you will just decide and get going or will you start planning in advance???? My bet is on 'planning in advance' because I know thats what I will do. 

But no matter what decision you take am sure that once your plan works you too will end your day (al-least partially if not wholly) like mine, on a happy note, a lighter wallet, with loads more pending work and a smile on my face.

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