I was just a few days into the corporate life. Right out of college and not yet settled in to the corporate life style, the first few days were a blur. Added to it was another confusion, another situation. Mom had gone to Bangalore for a few days and had just returned and grand-mom had come to stay.
All my things were scattered everywhere. I was back to home base after two years at the hostel. I needed to get my things in place and soon. Between finding my own cupboard space, creating the same for my gran-mom, cleaning up the havoc that was created when mom wasn't here and everybody's office, none of us were prepared when gran-mom fell ill and had to be hospitalized. With gran-mom in hospital, mom almost full time with her, dad shuttling between office, hospital and work and also relatives visiting, time raced by.
It was during one of these crazy days...
It was early morning and my head was still addled with sleep. I was just straightening out everything in the front room when heard a purr. I turned around to see a cat. It was white with patches of black on it and it didn't have an eye. I chased it out and within no time it came in again. I chased it out again, this time ensuring that I closed all the windows through which it could enter. The cat was very strong willed, it was on the look out for any opening through which it could come in. The day passed by and so did the next, we had not let the cat in at all. The feline was very agitated and tried to get in all through. And so we began hunting all the cupboards and places where it probably could have had kittens. After going through everywhere and not discovering anything we decided to let the matter rest.
It was a bit late in the night when my brother called out to me. He had been sitting and reading a book while he let his leg rest on the albums kept in a small shelf near to the bed. Suddenly he heard a mewl. Dad and Rohit investigated and found to kittens around a week old hiding behind the photo albums. At least things fell into place, the mother cat had probably shifted the kittens here when we discovered her and threw her out. The two poor babies had been without their mother for almost two days now.
We quickly ran and got a small box filled with milk and let the kittens out where the mother could reach them. We watched from the window the ensure that the mother came and picked them up and left. The next day morning we were a little upset as we had two kittens the night before and now we had none.
Miss Smart |
Though we really love animals and would love to have pets, it is not really an option. With loads of visitors and us going somewhere or the other and even transfers, it would not be fair on the pet. So we knew that we couldn't keep them as pets. But we never imagined...the cat returned with her kittens..and took place in our balcony upstairs...Slowly they even entered our house....
Miss Cute |
Days have grown into weeks and weeks into months...It's the third month now since they have come n our lives...They are not our pets but we are theirs. They have adopted us. From sleeping upstairs to running about in the house and scolding us for not giving it food, the kittens and the cat have become a part of our lives.
Miss Cute once again |
Now our day starts in the morning by carrying the kittens downstairs. They absolutely maneuver the situation everyday so that we end up carrying them everyday instead of them climbing down by themselves. They walk in and around the house as though they have marked their territory. They chase the other cats that try to come in. They run about in the garden and jump and play with each other and us. Giving them food and letting them lie in the kitchen balcony and run about in the house till after dinner and spending hours just staring at the two of them play and fight have become the favorite pastime.
We haven't adopted anyone, rather they have adopted us and it's the best thing that has happened in a really really long time.
Our adopted family..The One-Eyed Beauty and Smart and Cute |