Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The best two years...

"I am going home today with Rhoda...",said Rini. 

For a moment I didn't know what to say and how to respond. I just nodded by head and quickly made a phone call to let the others know. The next few moments were a blur as we had to go to college for a few formalities. 

Moments passed and she was all set to go. The others hadn't come yet. Rhoda and Rini decided to wait a few more minutes. Rimjhim came back early and both of us waited with Rini.

An auto pulled up...Sangeetha, Gincy and Lisa emerged. There was a lot of hugging and emotions began to flow. One of the first people in this group of close friends was leaving.....That is when we realized...the course was over...we would all go in different directions in the next few days...we would all go to different places...

As time passed by we kept our emotions in check and our conversation turned to other things. But bit by bit, others came up and said they were leaving...People came and hugged and wished each other well and promised to keep in touch as they left the campus...

A few have already left and a few will leave tomorrow...As the new day dawns many will leave...And in each partaking it seems as though the heart grows heavier...

People have become so close...many memories have been formed...many friendships made and strengthened...many bonds created....

As I leave this place...I carry forward great memories...great friends...great relationships....and the best two years of my life....

My class @ Rajagiri

Saturday, 24 March 2012

A burst of Cheese

I pushed the door to step inside. The smell wafted to my ears and I stood still savoring the smell of cheese and fresh baking. I made my way to the table. Pushing aside my ravenous thoughts I glanced through the menu slowly. My stomach was rumbling and I made my choice.

Moments passed by and I waited in anticipation. At last, my order arrived. The box in front of me and pizza inside it, my wait was finally over. I pulled out a slice and grinned at it. With a large bite and with cheese flowing from all sides, I closed my eyes and experienced BLISS...

@ Dominoes - Palarivattom with Santhy, Saji, Thomas and Sheperd

Sunday, 18 March 2012


She entered the room, trying to make as little noise as possible. As she eased herself through the door, she heard the cacophony of voices. She looked around trying to spot her friend and her spot at the center.

She headed towards her seat slowly, letting the voices wash over her. She kept her bag on the table and sat down with a sigh and looked around.

The din seemed to resound as moments passed by. She looked around in vain for a familiar face and she saw him. She quickly bent down her head not wanting anybody to observe her glance. She slowly looked up trying to see his face.

As she looked across the room, he looked up and their eyes met..She couldn't tear her eyes away...Neither could he...The sounds in the room dimmed...It was as if the world had stopped...Nothing existed other than them...Understanding dawned....They smiled and quickly glanced away as though nothing happened...

My journey of two years....

My journey of two years.....

Two years ago, I joined this institute..unsure of how things were going to turn out to be. It would be wrong on my part to say that the entire time has been a ball. But then, it time hasn't been a total disaster either.

No matter how I look at it, it has been a roller-coaster ride with ups and downs.  I joined with a skeptic mind, unsure of how I was going to be treated and how things were going to turn out. The two years here has taught me to have an open mind for each situation I step into.

From hanging out with only one group of friends, hesitating to talk to people because of initial awkwardness, sitting at only one particular area to circulating and trying to have friends everywhere and trying to keep in touch with all...we went through it all...

From the first trimester onward, with the birthday bashes, the trips, the movies and of course, the rural camp, Vanavasam and the Kalypso let me know a great bunch of people. Some of these trips helped me understand the people around me better. Many of them molded me and forced me to be more open. We had the summer internship of two months where again I was closeted with a few of these friends.

When the second year had begun, everyone was back in the shackles of the college after two months of something resembling independence. Hackles were raised and people began the countdown...The countdown to when it would all finish...As we fervently began counting days, we discovered that time was moving very slowly...

Abandoning time to its own pace, we set out to have as much fun as possible in the last one year of college.  With the hectic schedule of the fourth trimester and the summer project vivas our relief was the class trip at the end of the horrendous stretch. With the fifth trimester and a even tighter schedule with crazy classes and dissertation and Inflore to top it all, it seemed that the tunnel was never in sight. Luckily we had the Inflore DJ party to look forward to and also the Christmas holidays for our well deserved break. January came soon and again we were thrown in the fray. Classes again, tightly packed and sprinkled with exams. Fervour rose and days flew by. And before we knew it, we were BANG!!!, right in the middle of a Farewell Party organized by the juniors.

Time had flown by and before we realized it, it had drawn to a close...

Life at Rajagiri , like I said earlier, has been a roller coaster ride. I am glad that I joined such a place and glad to have ended up with such great guys for my classmates. I really cannot mention too many names here...But to quote a few... Lisa. Gincy, Sangeetha, Santhy, Rini, Rimjhim, Rakhi, Radhika, Gowtham, Saji,  Thomas, Vishnu, Sheperd...You have been amazing friends and words cannot describe my feelings for you...

Shahid, Justin, Aneesh, Ashwin, Uma, Nebu, Sanand... you guys are so sweet and nice....I find it easy to talk to you...and hey....you sure know how to bring a smile to a face...You are amazing friends to have...

I could go on and on...Each person in the class has had an impact on me...

You may not realize it, but all you gals and guys of PGDM 2010-2012 batch have really influenced me a lot....and helped me smile so much more...and made my journey of two years really memorable...

To finish off....I would have to add...This is undoubtedly the best class that I have had a privilege to be a part off...

Love you loads guys.... !!!!

Friday, 9 March 2012

An experiment - My first design

My kindle and I were sitting dejectedly as I was unable to find the right dress for the Kindle. After lugging the cardboard box with the Kindle in it for a few trips, I decided it was high time that I got a cover for my Kindle.

I was determined to stitch a Kindle cover with old scrap material. But that did not seem like a viable option. After sitting and thinking for a bit, I decided that I wanted to make a cover just like the one that my friend Vishnu had for his Galaxy Tab. 

With the design in mind, I dug up three shades of green yarn that I could use to fashion the cover. I reached my hostel and spent some time on figuring out what I would do.

I began with one basic pattern that I knew and stitched one stretch with a green yarn. I completed the first portion of my Kindle cover.

I was stuck. I wasn't sure on how I would proceed. A few days later I came home. As I sat idly, I visualized what I wanted to do next with my cover. With the idea in my mind, I began to weave a pattern and, Voila.....

I began stitching furiously taking up one color and then the other. At the end of the day, I was exhausted but I had completed my cover. With excitement bursting through me, I showed my mom the cover that I made. 

In a few days from now, as I complete my course, I will sit down and pen the pattern that I used and simultaneously make another cover for my brother.....

Here's to my first big pattern and to the hope that the next one is finer than this one....