It was morning and a chill pervaded in the air. It was early, not even 6.30 but we had to get moving. With morning coffee/tea being provided at 6.15, followed by breakfast at 7.30 and activities at 8.30, we could not lay abed.
Snuggled inside the sleeping bags, warm and comfortable, the idea of coming out into the cold made us clutch the bags tighter. A few minutes passed by and without any visible lessening in the cold, we decided not to tarry but to make haste.
The beautiful surroundings |
Posing for the camera even as we try to warm ourselves |
As we opened the tent, the cold air greeted us. The nip in the wind and the activity near the can of coffee made us rush and finish the morning ablutions. The cold water and the cold air turned our hands numb. Stopping at our the tent, we took something warm to cover ourselves and made way to the warm tea and coffee. People standing in groups trying to warm themselves with the warm coffee and tea was not an uncommon sight. Flashes went off here and there as we drank in the beauty of our surroundings, the beauty that we missed out in the previous nights darkness. Pretty soon, we trooped to the dining area for our breakfast.
Waiting for the coffee to warm us |
Warm coffee and us |
Lounging here and there, we slowly demolished the pile of food they kept in front of us. We were spoiled for choice as it ranged from bread toast to dosa and the assortments that accompanied them. With filled tummies and the warmth spreading through us, we lazed in the surrounding area waiting for the activities to begin.
In a few minutes the whistle rang. We all assembled in the area indicated to us. It marked the start of our activities. We were divided into two huge groups for the ice breaker session. First we were led to a space where we stood in a circle. The game was fun and needed us to respond fast. We had the tagged person "it" stand in the circle and give the people in the outer circle, things to do. We became elephants and rabbits and zapped each other while the person in the circle tried to catch out our mistakes. We then moved on to the next ice breaker in which we had balls coming at us from two sides and we had to catch and throw them, ensuring that they did not fall to the ground. This was a terrifying game for me as I prefer to close my eyes as the ball passed close to my face. Regardless of that fact, all of us tried to juggle the multiple balls and catch and throw then the instant we received it.
Slightly warmed up from the session and definitely in the mood for more, sir lead us to the dining area which had become our impromptu classroom. We were to embark on a journey, a journey of experiential learning. Based on David Kolbe's model, we would undertake activities, come back and discuss them for the learning and see how we could apply those in life and in jobs. So all set and in excitement, we were led into out next task.
Team Leader instructs |
We were divided into five groups and we selected out group leader Georgie and sent him out to receive instructions. We were allotted an area '4' and had to move to area 5 and then to area 1 through the task. We were shown a pole, a few inches off the ground, and on it was a rubber ball. There was also a ring around the pole which had 12 thin ropes tied to it. Our task was to move the ball from the pole on to the ring without it toppling off. We had to hold these ropes by the ends and move to area 5 and place the ball on the pole again and repeat the same and move to area 1. Now we were not allowed to touch the ball or the ring. The only thing we could hold were the end of the rope. There were moments when people in the group became blindfolded and we had to move ahead regardless of it. Climbing slopes, navigating through stones and boulders and trees, we moved ahead. This was one task that had seemed almost impossible at first. But the sense of togetherness and working in teams and the need to achieve crept in each of us. All of our completed our tasks in the prescribed time and we set to discuss what we had learnt from the activity.
The pole, the ring, the ball and the strings |
Trying to figure out what to do |
The need to work in teams, to listen to each other, the need to try out ideas and not just dismiss them as simple or complex and the need to push ourselves to work faster and more efficiently all surfaced. Working together, looking at the whole picture was necessary. These are some of the things we gleaned from the activity.
From here, we shifted on to our next activity. This is more difficult to describe. We were divided into 4 teams and we had two teams facing each other. The four teams stood facing each other like the sides of a square. Inside the square, on whose boundary we stood, were places mats. Our task was to ensure that each team crossed on to the other side after touching the center most mat (Mat 1).
Sounds easy? Let me assure you, it wasn't. Each team member had to hold each others hands and we were to cross to the next side as a chain after stepping on Mat 1. In addition to this, there was another catch. Once we had our foot on the mat, it was an activated mat and this meant that there had to be a foot (anybody's foot) on the mat at all times. Any time, even if it was for a second, if there was not foot on the mat, the mat would get removed and then we would have to cross using the other mats. To add on to all these conditions, was also the condition that all four teams had to take their first steps together. To add the final icing to the cake, we also had to ensure that our feet was on the mat and not on the ground. Violation of any of these rules meant that we had to restart the entire activity.
Hearing these instructions, as you can imagine, chaos erupted. People talking on all sides and suggestions from hither and tither. Though we were four teams, we had two group leaders who were to assist us and we could take time to plan. So we took out time, trying to figure out what we could do. We set out trying to complete the task, violating and restarting in the next few minutes. The next attempt had to be successful and with a deep breath we started again.
We then moved forward to complete the discussion on our activity. What had we learnt? Here too, the emphasis on communication was much. The need to plan was very evident. We had spent a lot of time on planning and it had paid off. On communication, we needed to look at two things. One was the structure in which we communicated. It was essential that everybody spoke and everybody listened to each other. But it was also extremely necessary that the communication be so structured that everybody is involved and it doesn't descend into chaos. The other aspect that we needed to pay attention to, was that fact that we had to stick to one common language so that everybody understood each other.
With the end of the second activity and the discussion on its learning, we broke off for lunch. We were excited as we were to go rafting, right after lunch. With the instructions for the afternoon session given, we all moved towards the food set out for us.
After food, we set out in different jeeps to our next destination. Here again we were divided into different groups. Each team was given raw materials which consisted of huge rubber tyres, bamboo sticks and ropes. We had four tasks and it started with designing of a raft that could carry 6 people on it. We had to design a raft with optimizing the cost of raw materials that we used and had to get this design approved. Once the design was approved, we had to start building the raft. We had an hour to complete these two activities.
Raw materials |
First draw then build |
We all fell to designing. We tried this and that. We tried to put things in place and figure out how they would work. With comments being passed from one end to the other, and ideas being tested and tried, each group was immersed in its activity. We got our plan approved and set to building the raft. As time progressed, we first tied the frame with the bamboos and them moved to tying each of the bamboos to the inflated tyres.
Tying together |
Designing away |
Project build complete |
As the designated time passed by, we were all called into a clearing where we were given instructions on how to wear a life jacket. Our team of 14 had to split into two groups of 6 each. The two people who were left out would be combined with the such students from the other teams. In groups of 6 we had to paddle to the middle of the lake where a kayak was waiting for us. We then had to paddle back and then wait for the next team to go and come. This was our third task.
Setting forth |
We then tried to figure out the first six who would set out into the water. Jubilant cries filled the air as each group raced to the water to be the first to would be water borne. Each group set out on their rafts and paddled across to the kayak. The groups on the shore cheered the groups on the raft as they made their away across the water and back.
Paddling away |
As they neared the shore, we moved towards them, pulling them and the raft in. The next set of people donned their life gear and we got ready for our trip. Our group mates led us into water and let the raft adrift. The six of us paddled furiously wanting to be fast as we heard out group mates cheering on the shore. We came back quickly and our raft went for the third trip with those who hadn't gone yet. In time, everybody got a chance on their raft and in water. We were all back and revved up.
Now to the task of untying |
We then moved on to the next task which was to dissemble the raft and return the items from where we got them. The teams rushed forward in the hurry to complete the last task.
On the success of the mission |
Jubilant crows and screams rented the air. A sense of accomplishment and peace engulfed us. We had built our own rafts and gone to the middle of the lake and back. We learnt to trust each other and their ideas. We had specialists for each small but important aspect of the activity from planning, to building to rowing. The sense of team and bonding had just got stronger.
Slowly we set back in the jeeps, singing and cracking jokes and wishing that the day would never end. We came back to camp and went to freshen up. Slowly, we all changed into dry clothes scrubbing ourselves clean.
A warm fire and warm food awaited us. We sat and went into the discussion on the activity. We were then briefed on the next days events and the trek that awaited us. We then moved to the campfire, standing in a big circle and trying to warm ourselves with the fire. Groups of boys singing and groups chit-chatting here and there, everybody was relaxing. Time slowly passed as we tried to relax after a day of strenuous activities.
Fire and fun |
Cozy in the warmth of the fire |
It was a beautiful day but we had tomorrow to look forward to. We had tomorrow with the promise of a glorious trek and thinking of the morrow we settled down in our sleeping bags and off to the land of pleasant dreams.
Looking forward to 'morrow |