Thursday, 30 June 2011

And so it comes to an end

Two months of hard work, a few days of tension and the pressure surmounted and reached its peak today. The last person exited the viva panel, and even though the results weren't yet out, the tension dissipated.

Everybody standing around in circles, discussing those moments in their respective vivas and then gradually moving on to other interesting topics.

Two months of work and your fate decided in 20 minutes????

It didn't seem fair. After all we slogged during this time and put in our best efforts and our reports were given only to our mentors for cross checking. We argued within ourselves, "Aren't they supposed to read our reports if they wanted to question us on the project?".

It seems not. All they wanted was us to do a presentation. It was a easy session for a few and a grueling session for a few others.

But what can we do...when they dismiss the project without a second glance, with just a nod, with arguments on its mistakes and so on....and all without our report being read.

A few relieved faces and a few tense ones...It was difficult to congratulate friends on their doing the viva well and in the same breath consoling those who didn't.

As those discussions abated, people were just relieved - whether or not the viva went well, it was done and over with and nothing further could be done for now.

Now as we await the results, all most of us can think of are the classes and the fun that we are to have this trimester!!!

And so we begin to plan......

Saturday, 25 June 2011

A sense of peace...

Today I went to Amrita - not the one at Amritapuri but to the one at Kochi. A different place and a different ambiance....

Why did I go? I just went....I just wanted to go...I wanted 'that' bracelet which I used to wear when I was in Amrita. It used to give me a lot of peace and I believed in its power.

Neethu, Rakhi and I went there and we saw the place from top to bottom. I do not know what I expected to see there but I wanted glimpses into my life at Amritapuri....I came away with my bracelet and the need to go to Amritapuri, to my college and my Ashram.

After I got the bracelets (for a few others too) and returned to the hostel, I decided that I would wear mine only after doing Reiki on it and protecting it. 

I sat down and started channelizing the energy....The emotions, the calmness and that quiet pulse of energy....a sense of peace washed over me...and now I sit calm and composed,writing this down and feeling the most relaxed that  I have felt in days.

I do not know whether it was the Amrita feeling or the bracelet or the Reiki that did it... All I know is that I am at peace...

Wednesday, 22 June 2011


I have been wanting to write a great many things for the past many days. But the day the inspiration strikes me, I get loaded with mountains of work. And the days during which I have time to actually sit down and pen my thoughts, I get a bloc.

Can I call it a writer's bloc???

Well....I am not much of a writer but bloc or no bloc I have decided to pen down my thoughts in those small moments that I get.

I need to write much more. It will improve my writing....Whether it improves my writing or not, to put down those words and sentences gives me a much needed relief.

So hopefully I stick to what I say and write down here those sad, happy and irritating moments!!!

Ciao for now readers!!!!